Monday, June 11, 2007


I attended my fifth year reunion at Harvard Business School a couple of weeks ago. As an introvert, I found myself a bit overwhelmed with such a huge turnout not only from my class but also the 10th, 15th, and 20th reunions. It was difficult to have many meaningful conversations in such a short amount of time, but I think reunions are only meant for us to spark good memories which remind us to write or call those who made an impact on us in our two years at HBS. I was lucky to spend some significant times catching up in person with people who now live on opposite coasts or abroad.

I also enjoyed the professor lectures, which I only found out later is atypical of business school reunions. In fact, most reunions (Stanford also exclude) is just a gathering of classmates with more social agendas. For me, the lectures are sometimes more enjoyable than the pub nights where you spend most of the time shouting above the loud music. Sessions we attended: Professor Andre Perold is one of my all time favorite professors who not only had the ability to make complex finance theories accessible to the layperson, but also had me on the edge of my seat the entire semester. We also attended sessions on network affects by Professor David Yoffie, how to tell if someone is lying by their microexpressions by Professor Michael Wheeler, and how to derive more meaning from our relationship by Keith Ferrazzi, author of Never Eat Alone.

Have you ever gone to a reunion? What do you enjoy the most about them?

1 comment:

Hsien Lei said...

I wouldn't be caught dead at a reunion. HAHhaAHaa

Just kidding.

Sort of.
